I need to use VRP and take into account that a client wants to either have a pick-up or a delivery. I know VRPB satisfies these requirements but that waits until the truck is empty before picking up from clients.
Is the VRPC able to deal with a negative demand? Which would make it a delivery.
After some looking around I found this link: https://discuss.graphhopper.com/t/negative-values-as-capacities/1310
You can use a PickUp class or a Delivery class and the code will do the rest. So yes, it is supported.
Delivery delivery1 = Delivery.Builder.newInstance("1").addSizeDimension(WEIGHT_INDEX, 1).setLocation(Location.newInstance(5, 7)).build();
Delivery delivery2 = Delivery.Builder.newInstance("2").addSizeDimension(WEIGHT_INDEX, 1).setLocation(Location.newInstance(5, 13)).build();
Delivery delivery3 = Delivery.Builder.newInstance("3").addSizeDimension(WEIGHT_INDEX, 1).setLocation(Location.newInstance(15, 7)).build();
Delivery delivery4 = Delivery.Builder.newInstance("5").addSizeDimension(WEIGHT_INDEX, 1).setLocation(Location.newInstance(15, 7)).build();
Pickup pickup1 = Pickup.Builder.newInstance("4").addSizeDimension(WEIGHT_INDEX, 1).setLocation(Location.newInstance(15, 13)).build();
VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder vrpBuilder = VehicleRoutingProblem.Builder.newInstance();