Here, I'm using a linux terminal. Assume, I have created a new directory
mkdir project_new
cd project_new
git init
And I've created two new files
touch a.txt b.txt
Now I'm staging and committing
git add .
git commit -m 'Add two new files a.txt b.txt'
Creating a .gitignore and made it as a hidden file
touch .gitignore
echo .DS_Store >.gitignore
Now can you help me out in the next steps
how to add both 'a.txt' & 'b.txt' inside the .gitignore to make them as untracked files?
Since you have already committed your files. They fall into the category of tracked files
and are rightfully being tracked by git. You need to remove the files first from the index.
git rm --cached <path-to-files>
Since your a.txt and b.txt are sitting under the root of project, you just need to run,
git rm --cached a.txt b.txt
Add the files to .gitignore
as follows,
Commit your changes and then going forward changes to a.txt and b.txt will be ignored by git.