I am looking for assistance in converting the following SQL statement over to LINQ using EF6. I have spent what seems like forever looking at different examples and have not found anything that works. I have looked at linqer (no success there) i have looked at linqpad (it does not convert sql to linq)
The query below returns exactly what I'm looking for in SQL format, the goal is to return all columns of the table based based on the inner grouping (using the grouping as a DISTINCT Query) using the WHERE clause of the Group to filter the record set to what is required, and Joining the inner grouping on [CdrCallId] only to return records where the [CdrCallId] match.
SELECT ct1.StartTime, ct1.CdrCallID, ct1.CallingNumberId, ct1.CalledNumberId, ct1.ThreadSequence
FROM CallTransactions as ct1
join (select CdrCallID
from CallTransactions as ct2
WHERE [StartTime] >= '10/1/2020 00:00:00 AM' AND [StartTime] <= '03/31/2021 00:00:00 AM' AND [CalledNumberId] = '1670589' OR [CallingNumberId] = '1670589' OR [DestinationNumberId] = '1670589' OR [TransferringNumberId] = '1670589' OR [KeyPartyNumberId] = '1670589'
group by ct2.CdrCallID) ct2
on ct1.CdrCallID = ct2.CdrCallID
StartTime | CdrCallID | CallingNumberId | CalledNumberId | ThreadSequence |
2020-11-02 12:49:34.007 | 995368-307-63751883929019 | 1670589 | 1658625 | 995368 |
2021-02-19 14:38:54.600 | 78900-050-63751893781085 | 1670589 | 1658625 | 78900 |
2020-10-27 09:58:15.007 | 704239-301-63751883392147 | 1663834 | 1667952 | 704239 |
2020-10-27 09:58:15.007 | 704239-301-63751883392147 | 1663834 | 1670589 | 704239 |
2020-10-27 09:57:14.007 | 704239-301-63751883392147 | 1663834 | 1667952 | 704239 |
2020-10-27 09:57:59.000 | 704239-301-63751883392147 | 1663834 | 1670589 | 704239 |
2020-11-02 10:15:06.007 | 497923-307-63751883688115 | 1663847 | 1670589 | 497923 |
I have been struggling to find the proper LINQ Method syntax to mimic the above query.
I think you have some flaw in your SQL and should be in fact like:
SELECT ct1.StartTime, ct1.CdrCallID, ct1.CallingNumberId, ct1.CalledNumberId, ct1.ThreadSequence
FROM CallTransactions as ct1
where exists
(select *
from CallTransactions as ct2
WHERE ct1.CdrCallID = ct2.CdrCallID and
(([StartTime] >= '20201001' AND [StartTime] <= '20210331') AND
([CalledNumberId] = '1670589' OR
[CallingNumberId] = '1670589' OR
[DestinationNumberId] = '1670589' OR
[TransferringNumberId] = '1670589' OR
[KeyPartyNumberId] = '1670589'));
In Linq that would be like:
var start = new DateTime(2020,10,1);
var end = new DateTime(2021,4,1);
var numberId = "1670589";
var callIDs = ctx.CallTransactions
.Where(x => x.StartTime >= start && x.StartTime < end &&
(x.CalledNumberId == numberId ||
x.CallingNumberId == numberId ||
x.DestinationNumberId == numberId ||
x.TransferringNumberId == numberId ||
x.KeyPartNumberId == numberId))
.Select(x => x.CdrCallId);
var result = ctx.CallTransactions.Where(x => callIDs.Any(ci => ci.CdrCallId == x.CdrCallId)
.Select(ct1 => new {ct1.StartTime, ct1.CdrCallID, ct1.CallingNumberId, ct1.CalledNumberId, ct1.ThreadSequence});
PS: You don't really need to convert everything into EF Linq. You could call a raw SQL from Linq as well.