I'd like to normalize a data series in Tableau by the first value.
If my input table is:
date | amount
1/1 $100
1/2 $150
1/3 $250
I'd like to create (and plot) the normalized values:
date | amount_norm
1/1 1
1/2 1.5
1/3 2.5
In SQL this would be
SELECT date, amount / ( SELECT amount
FROM table
WHERE date = ( SELECT MIN(date) FROM table ) ) AS amount_norm
FROM table
Ideally, amount_norm
should update as the user changes the selected time interval in the Tableau dashboard filter.
Seems pretty simple, but I'm totally unfamiliar with Tableau syntax. I've tried playing with FIRST() = 0
but don't really know what I'm doing.
I've found a similar question, but this didn't get me quite where I wanted.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
To match the SQL code logic:
SUM({FIXED : SUM(IF [Date] = {FIXED : MIN([Date])} THEN ([Amount]) END)})
If you want it to adhere to filters in your workbook/dashboard you would add the dimension you're filtering on before the colon like below:
SUM({FIXED [filter dimension] : SUM(IF [Date] = {FIXED : MIN([Date])} THEN ([Amount]) END)})
To add more criteria for the fixed LOD expression you can add a comma and then another dimension.