API : https://jsonmock.hackerrank.com/api/articles?page=1
package main
import (
type ArticleResponse struct {
Page int `json:"page"`
PerPage int `json:"per_page"`
Total int `json:"total"`
TotalPages int `json:"total_pages"`
Data []Article `json:"data"`
type Article struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
URL string `json:"url"`
Author string `json:"author"`
NumComments int `json:"num_comments"`
StoryID int32 `json:"story_id"`
StoryTitle string `json:"story_title"`
StoryURL string `json:"story_url"`
ParentID int32 `json:"parent_id"`
CreatedAt int `json:"created_at"`
type CommentTitle struct{
NumberOfComments int `json:"number_of_comments"`
Title string `json:"title"`
Page int `json:"from_page"`
const (
GET_HOST_URL = "https://jsonmock.hackerrank.com/"
PATH = "api/articles"
var wg sync.WaitGroup
func main(){
comment_title_chan := make(chan CommentTitle)
var commentTitleSlice []CommentTitle
// pilot call to get total number of pages
totalPage := makePaginatedRequest(1, comment_title_chan, true)
// making concurrent requests to multiple pages at once
for j:=1;j<=totalPage;j++{
go makePaginatedRequest(j, comment_title_chan, false)
for j:=0; j<20;j++ {
commentTitleSlice = append(commentTitleSlice, <-comment_title_chan)
for _,article := range commentTitleSlice{
fmt.Println(article.NumberOfComments, "\t\t", article.Title)
func makePaginatedRequest(pageNo int, chunk chan CommentTitle, pilotMode bool) int{
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", uri, nil)
if err != nil {
q := req.URL.Query()
q.Add("page", strconv.Itoa(pageNo))
req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
client := &http.Client{}
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error on response.\n[ERROR] -", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
var articleResponse ArticleResponse
if err = json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&articleResponse) ; err != nil{
if !pilotMode{
for _, article := range articleResponse.Data{
if(article.Title != "" && article.NumComments != 0){
ct := CommentTitle{article.NumComments, article.Title, pageNo}
chunk <- ct
return articleResponse.TotalPages
Problem statement:
There is one api which gives data when passed page number in query params. I am expected to make a call all pages and fetch all articles with valid titles and number of comments field.
step-1: I first make a pilot call to api to get to know number of pages as it is a part of response json.
step-2: I spin up multiple goroutines(number of goroutines = total number of pages)
step-3: each goroutine will make a call to corresponding page and fetches data and sends it to data channel.
step-4: data received in channel is appended to a slice , slice is used for further computation(sorting based on number of comments of an article)
Problem: I am not aware out of total number of records - how many are valid, Hence I dont know when to close the channel from sender (Multiple sender and single receiver in my scenario).
I tried using one more additional signal channel, but again when will I know all goroutines have completed their job so that i can send a signal for further computation ?
I have even used WaitGroup, but this is at a individual goroutine level - still i will not be able to know when all goroutines have completed theit job.
One more similar question in SO didn't help much : Closing channel of unknown length
Update : In the code I have hardcoded j loop value to 20 - that is exactly where I am facing issue. I dont know till where to loop, If i increase it to more then 50, received is blocked.
You are using the waitgroup incorrectly.
Add to the waitgroup when you create a goroutine, and wait for everything to complete in a separate goroutine, then close the channel:
for j:=1;j<=totalPage;j++{
go makePaginatedRequest(j, comment_title_chan, false)
go func() {
Mark it completed when goroutine returns:
func makePaginatedRequest(pageNo int, chunk chan CommentTitle, pilotMode bool) int{
defer wg.Done()