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DevExpress XtraGrid override from CalcRowHeight breaks RepositoryItemImageComboBox

I've recently changed the rowheight for our grid and reduced it a bit (using code from

However this breaks our RepositoryItemImageComboBox, the images are no longer shown. Using a RepositoryItemPictureEdit with an unbound column I can't seem to find how to create a working row filter/row sort.

Who can help me either fix the RepositoryItemImageComboBox images to show again or implement a filtering/sorting RepositoryItemPictureEdit.

This is the column shown with RepositoryItemPictureEdit, No image data on the filterrow is also a problem

No image data on the filterrow is also a problem

This is the column shown with a RepositoryItemImageComboBox.

enter image description here


  • I've added some code to handle the GridViews CustomDrawCell with no Editor specified. Since we don't really need the editor to choose but show the column read only it suffices.

    Private Sub gvw_CustomDrawCell(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.RowCellCustomDrawEventArgs) Handles Me.CustomDrawCell
      e.Graphics.DrawImage(BitMap, e.Bounds);
    end sub