I am currently following this How-to-guide to create a device group to deploy an update to.
All Prerequisites are met and worked flawlessly. In short. I created a IoT-Hub and created a device update account following this guide , and i Imported a new update described in this guide
But now at this Point I can't proceed, because there are no ungrouped devices detected. I added the tag in the device twin, but still. To give a better inside I listed my current stat below.
partial device twin:
"deviceId": "1337",
"status": "enabled",
"connectionState": "Disconnected",
"cloudToDeviceMessageCount": 0,
"authenticationType": "sas",
"modelId": "",
"version": 9,
"tags": {
"ADUGroup": "MyGroup123",
"myNewTag": "testing"
The image that should be deployed
The part where no groups are shown
The message I am getting when trying to create a new group
My predictions are:
Spoiler they are wrong.
The device update client was missing.
Just to confirm - did you install and provision the Device Update agent on your device after creating the account?
If so here are some potential root causes why you are not seeing the tag show up-
Ensure that you have correctly configured the message routes in your IoT Hub as per the Device Update resources documentation(https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub-device-update/device-update-resources). You will have to tag your device again after configuring the route.
Another root cause could be that you applied the tag before connecting your device to Device Update for IoT Hub. Ensure that your device is already connected to Device Update. You can verify that your device is connected to Device Update for IoT Hub by checking if it shows up under “Ungrouped” devices in the compliance view. Temporarily add a tag of a different value, and then add your intended tag again once the device is connected.
If you are using Device Provisioning Service (DPS), then ensure that you tag your devices after they are provisioned and not during the Device creation process. If you have already tagged your device during the Device creation step, then you will have to temporarily tag your device with a different value after it is provisioned, and then add your intended tag again.
Please find this and other common FAQs at the Device Update troubleshooting guide - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub-device-update/troubleshoot-device-update
If you are still facing issues after following these steps, then please reach out to us directly by filing a GitHub issue here - https://github.com/Azure/iot-hub-device-update/issues