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Is there a function to clean a queue on CMSIS-RTOS2(FreeRTOS)?

I'm using CMSIS-RTOS2 (an RTOS FreeRTOS based for ARM), I just want to know if there are any function to clean a queue (put 0 in all positions). Just it, like "reboot" the queue.

#include "cmsis_os.h"

osMessageQueueId_t xGPS_QueueHandle;
const osMessageQueueAttr_t xGPS_Queue_attributes = {
  .name = "xGPS_Queue"

xGPS_QueueHandle = osMessageQueueNew (250, sizeof(uint8_t), &xGPS_Queue_attributes);


  • I already found the answer!

    The function: osStatus_t osMessageQueueReset(osMessageQueueId_t mq_id)

    In my case I need to use: osMessageQueueReset(xGPS_QueueHandle);

    The returned variable could be:

    osOK: the message queue has been rest.

    osErrorParameter: parameter mq_id is NULL or invalid.

    osErrorResource: the message queue is in an invalid state.

    osErrorISR: osMessageQueueReset cannot be called from interrupt service routines.

    More details could be found in the documentation: