Forgive me, if it's trivial but
I am reading the documentation of arrays in SML and I am confused . I see many functions but how do I make my own array; How do I initialize one? (Everything , I tried failed)
For example a list is initialised like that :
val l = [1,2,3];
if I wanted [1,2,3] to be an array 1x3 ?
I found how to initialize one array but with only one value like:
array(4,0) (*creates [0,0,0,0] *)
but what about the [1,2,3];
You have (at least) two possibilities for that, either using
val a = Array.fromList [1, 2, 3];
either using Array.tabulate
fun incr x = x + 1;
val a = Array.tabulate (3, incr);
takes two arguments: the size of your array and a
function used to initialise the items of your array.
val a = Array.tabulate (3, incr);
is thus equivalent to:
val a = Array.fromList [incr(0), incr(1), incr(2)];
Note that I have defined a function incr
but I could also have done:
val a = Array.tabulate (3, fn x => x + 1);