Search code examples

Django: best way to redirect empty results pages to root page

I have an app that paginates and show objects in a Django list view. I'm using paginate_by=20 in my list view.

When I have 20+ objects and Google indexes the second results page /results/?page=2. Then when results go below 20 objects, this second page goes to 404.

What is the best way to redirect page 2 to /results/ when page 2, 3 etc don't return any results.

I thought about writing a custom 404 view to strip out the URL parameters, but I guess it's best to catch this in the list view itself?

Here's my ListView:

class ListingListView(ListView):
    ORDER_BY_MAP = {
        None: {
            'directive': ListingsManager.CATEGORY_DEFAULT_ORDER,
        'title': {
            'label': 'Title A > Z',
            'directive': ('title',),
        '-title': {
            'label': 'Title Z > A',
            'directive': ('-title',),
        'rating': {
            'label': 'Rating',
            'directive': ('-aggregate_rating', '-reviews_count'),

    template_name = 'directory/listing_list.html'
    context_object_name = 'listings'
    paginate_by = 20

    def country(self):
        if 'country_slug' in self.kwargs:
            country = get_object_or_404(Country, slug=self.kwargs['country_slug'])
            set_user_language(self.request, country.language)
            return country
            return None

    def category(self):
        if 'category_slug' in self.kwargs:
            return get_object_or_404(Category.objects.select_related('parent').prefetch_related(
                'children'), slug=self.kwargs['category_slug'])
            return None

    def region(self):
        if 'region_slug' in self.kwargs:
            return get_object_or_404(Region, slug=self.kwargs['region_slug'])
            return None

    def get_url_params(self):
        return {k: v[0] for k, v in dict(self.request.GET).items()}

    def get_queryset(self):
        url_params = self.get_url_params()
        user_order_by = url_params.get('order_by', None)
        if user_order_by not in self.ORDER_BY_MAP:
            user_order_by = None
        country =
        category = self.category
        region = self.region
        queryset = Listing.objects.category_view(category, country, region)
        return queryset.order_by(*self.ORDER_BY_MAP[user_order_by]['directive']).distinct()

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
        country =
        region = self.region
        listings = self.get_queryset()
        context['category'] = category = self.category
        if region:
            context['title'] = f'{} in {}'
            context['title'] =

        # Add information for the category sidebar
        context['up_links'] = []
        if not category.is_root:
            root_category = Category.objects.root()
                'link': reverse('directory-category', args=[country.slug, root_category.slug])
        if category.parent:
                'link': reverse('directory-category', args=[country.slug, category.parent.slug])
        if region:
                'link': reverse('directory-category', args=[country.slug, category.slug])
        if category.has_regions:
            context['region_links'] = {}
            regions = Region.objects.filter(listings__categories=category, listings__countries=country).order_by('name')
            for item in regions:
                context['region_links'][] = reverse('directory-region',
                                                             args=[country.slug, category.slug, item.slug])
        context['subcategories'] = []
        if category.is_root:
            children = Category.objects.filter(parent__isnull=True).exclude(is_root=True)
            children = category.children
        for c in children.order_by('nav_menu_order'):
                'thumbnail_image': c.thumbnail_image,
                'link': reverse('directory-category', args=[country.slug, c.slug]),

        # Do not show recommended badge in root category view
        context['show_recommended_badge'] = not category.is_root

        # Add sorting menu
        context['order_by_URLs'] = {}
        for key, value in self.ORDER_BY_MAP.items():
            if key:
                context['order_by_URLs'][value['label']] = f'{self.request.path}?order_by={key}'

        # Add total listings count (template only counts listings on that page, not total)
        context['listings_count'] = listings.count()

        # Add sorting parameters so we can preserve sorting in pagination links
        url_params = self.request.GET.copy()
        url_params.pop('page', None)
        context['url_params'] = url_params

        return context


  • What I ended up doing is writing a mixin that overrides the get method. That way I can reuse this for all paginated ListViews without having to customise the paginator.

    Here's the mixin:

    class SafePaginateMixin(object):
        def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
                return super().get(*args, **kwargs)
            except Http404:
                page = self.request.GET.get('page', None)
                if page:
                    return redirect(self.request.path)

    Then added the mixin to my ListView:

    class ListingListView(SafePaginateMixin, ListView)

    If the 404 is raised by a URL with a page URL parameter, then redirect to the request path. If not, raise the 404.