I'm reading from a text file to find the Line Index where a certain line starts with my Criteria.
Turns out there are actually two instances of my desired criteria and I want to get the second one.
How would I amend the below code to Skip the first instance and get the second?
var linesB = File.ReadAllLines(In_EmailBody);
int LineNumberB = 0;
string criteriaB = "T:";
for (LineNumberB = 0; LineNumberB < linesB.Length; LineNumberB++){
I use the result after and compare it to another criteria to find out the number of lines between the two results.
You could use following LINQ query to simplify your task:
List<string> twoMatchingLines = File.ReadLines(In_EmailBody)
.Where(line = > line.StartsWith(criteriaB))
Now you have both in the list.
string first = twoMatchingLines.ElementAtOrDefault(0); // null if empty
string second = twoMatchingLines.ElementAtOrDefault(1); // null if empty or only one
If you want to use the for-loop(your last sentence suggests it), you could count the matching lines:
int matchCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < linesB.Length; i++)
if(linesB[i].StartsWith(criteriaB) && ++matchCount == 2)
// here you are