I am trying to take value from a drop down menu but isn't able to do so . My code for the dropdrop is :
<Input type="select" name="type" id="etype" value={this.state.type} onChange={this.changeTypeHandler}>
<option value="Doctor">Doctor</option>
<option value ="Nurse"> Nurse</option>
while my changeTypeHandler is
changeTypeHandler = (event) => {
this.setState({ type: event.target.value });
I have seen this.state.selectedValue in on of the solution for type . So what should be done in this case ? Sorry If its a basic question but I am new to react and isn't able to find the solution for this .Thanks
Try it like this :
<select name="type" id="etype" value={this.state.selectedValue}
<option value="Doctor">Doctor</option>
<option value ="Nurse"> Nurse</option>
</select >
and for onChange function
changeTypeHandler =(event) =>