I have a Component that uses mat-menu
from Angular Material UI. When I call fireEvent.click()
, I get an error: TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find role="menu"
in console.
This is my test case:
test('it should open pages menu on button click', async () => {
let component = await render(PaginationComponent, {
let buttonCLick = fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('openChangePageSizeMenu'));
await screen.findByRole('menu');
I am not able to point out where I am going wrong. I also read MatMenuHarness documentation from here.
I am using @testing-library/angular and jest.
After doing some digging, the solution that I found is to add hidden: true. After adding this, the test case looks like this:
test('it should open pages menu on button click', async () => {
let component = await render(PaginationComponent, {
let buttonCLick = fireEvent.click(screen.getByTestId('openChangePageSizeMenu'));
await screen.findByRole('menu', {hidden:true});
NOTE: this works for mat-dialog as well.