wanna know how to show this result like int number
var symbol = data[index]["symbol"];
double cureentprice = datarates["price"]["$symbol"];////this double is 1.17150
double enrty = double.parse(data[index]["entryprice"]);////this is 1.17100
double lo = cureentprice - enrty ;//i got like this result 0.00050
as you see above i got the result 0.00050 but i need it like this 50
any idea to do somthing like that??
Try This. Maybe This should Help. If this doesn't work then let me know.
var symbol = data[index]["symbol"];
double cureentprice = datarates["price"]["$symbol"];////this double is 1.17150
double enrty = double.parse(data[index]["entryprice"]);////this is 1.17100
// double lo = cureentprice - enrty ;//i got like this result 0.00050
int scale = 100000;
double lo = currentPrice - enrty;
var value1 = (lo * scale).floor();
var value2 = (lo * scale).ceil();