Search code examples

Show all results in date range replacing null records with zero

I am querying the counts of logs that appear on particular days. However on some days, no log records I'm searching for are recorded. How can I set count to 0 for these days and return a result with the full set of dates in a date range?

SELECT r.LogCreateDate, r.Docs
    SELECT SUM(TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(ld.log_detail, 'Total Documents:' , ''))) AS Docs, to_char(l.log_create_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') AS LogCreateDate
    FROM iwbe_log l
    LEFT JOIN iwbe_log_detail ld ON ld.log_id = l.log_id
    HAVING to_char(l.log_create_date , 'YYYY-MM-DD') BETWEEN '2020-01-01' AND '2020-01-07'
    GROUP BY to_char(l.log_create_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
    ORDER BY to_char(l.log_create_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') DESC
    ) r
ORDER BY r.logcreatedate

Current Result - Id like to include the 01, 04, 05 with 0 docs.

2020-01-02 7
2020-01-03 3
2020-01-06 6
2020-01-07 1


  • You need a full list of dates first, then outer join the log data to that. There are several ways to generate the list of dates but now common table expressions (cte) are an ANSI standard way to do this, like so:

    with cte (dt) as (
        select to_date('2020-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd') as dt from dual -- start date here
        union all
        select dt + 1 from cte
        where dt + 1 < to_date('2020-02-01','yyyy-mm-dd') -- finish (the day before) date here
    select to_char(cte.dt,'yyyy-mm-dd') as LogCreateDate
         , r.Docs 
    from cte
    left join (
        SELECT SUM(TO_NUMBER(REPLACE(ld.log_detail, 'Total Documents:' , ''))) AS Docs
             , trunc(l.log_create_date) AS LogCreateDate
        FROM iwbe_log l
        LEFT JOIN iwbe_log_detail ld ON ld.log_id = l.log_id
        HAVING trunc(l.log_create_date) BETWEEN to_date('2020-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd' AND to_date('2020-01-07','yyyy-mm-dd')
        GROUP BY trunc(l.log_create_date)
        ) r on cte.dt = r.log_create_date
    order by cte.dt

    also, when dealing with dates I prefer to not convert them to strings until final output which allows you to still get proper date order and maximum query efficiency.