In Big-O Notation, O(N) and O(2N) describe the same complexity. That is to say, the growth rate of the time or space complexity for an algorithm at O(2N) is essentially equal to O(N). This can be seen especially when compared to an algorithm with a complexity like O(N^2) given an extremely large value for N. O(N) increases linearly while O(N^2) increases quadratically.
So I understand why O(N) and O(2N) are considered to be equal, but I'm still uncertain about treating these two as completely equal. In a program where your number of inputs N is 1 million or more, it seems to me like halving the time complexity would actually save quite a lot time because the program would have potentially millions less actions to execute.
I'm thinking of a program that contains two for-loops. Each for-loop iterates over the entire length of a very large array of N elements. This program would have a complexity of O(2N). O(2N) reduces to O(N), but I feel like an implementation that only requires one for-loop instead of two would make it a faster program (even if a single for-loop implementation sacrificed some functionality for the sake of speed, for example).
My question:
If you had an algorithm with time complexity O(2N), would optimizing it to have O(N) time complexity make it twice as fast?
To put it another way, is it ever significantly beneficial to optimize an O(2N) algorithm down to O(N)? I imagine there would be some increase in the speed of the program, or would the increase be so insignificant that it isn't worth the effort since O(2N) == O(N)?
Time complexity is not the same as speed. For a given size of data, a program with O(N)
might be slower, faster or the same speed as O(2N)
. Also, for a given size of data O(N)
might be slower, faster or the same speed as O(N^2)
So if Big-O doesn't mean anything, why are we talking about it anyway?
Big-O notation describes the behaviour a program as the size of data increases. This behaviour is always relative. In other words, Big-O tells you the shape of asymptotic curve, but not its scale or dimension.
Let's say you have a program A that is O(N)
. This means that processing time will be linearly proportional to data size (ignoring real-world complications like cache sizes that might make the run-time more like piecewise-linear):
And for another program B which is also O(N)
Obviously, the second program is 3 times faster per row, even though they both have O(N)
. Intuitively, this tells you that both programs go through every row and spend some fixed time on processing it. The difference in time from 2000 to 1000 is the same as difference from 3000 to 2000 - this means that the grows linearly, in other words time needed for one record does not depend on number of all records. This is equivalent to program doing some kind of a for
-loop, as for example when calculating a sum of numbers.
And, since the programs are different and do different things, it doesn't make any sense to compare 1 second of program A's time to 1 second of program B's time anyway. You would be comparing apples and oranges. That's why we don't care about the constant factor and we say that O(3n)
is equivalent to O(n)
Now imagine a third program C, which is O(N^2)
The difference in time here between 3000 and 2000 is bigger than difference between 2000 and 1000. The more the data, the bigger the increase. This is equivalent to a program doing a for
loop inside a for
loop - as, for example when searching for pairs in data.
When your data is small, you might not care about 1-2 seconds difference. If you compare programs A and C just from above timings and without understanding the underlying behaviour, you might be tempted to say that A is faster. But look what happens with more records:
Initially the same performance for the same data quickly becomes painfully obvious - by a factor of almost 100x. There is not a way in this worlds how running C on a faster CPU could ever keep up with A, and the bigger the data, the more this is true. The thing that makes all the difference is scalability. This means answering questions like how big of a machine are we going to need in 1 years' time when the database will grow to twice its size. With O(N)
, you are generally OK - you can buy more servers, more memory, use replication etc. With O(N^2)
you are generally OK up to a certain size, at which point buying any number of new machines will not be enough to solve your problems any more and you will need to find a different approach in software, or run it on massively parallel hardware such as GPU clusters. With O(2^N)
you are pretty much fucked unless you can somehow limit the maximum size of the data to something which is still useable.
Note that the above examples are theoretical and intentionally simplified; as @PeterCordes pointed out, the times on a real CPU might be different because of caching, branch misprediction, data alignment issues, vector operations and million other implementation-specific details. Please see his links in comments below.