I was looking for a way to upload a text file of dictionary of synonyms in azure search, the nearest I could find was
I know it is not a good idea to compare products of different companies, but if there exists a way to upload a dictionary of synonyms in azure search like it is supported in elastic search, then it will of great help and might save a lot of time and rework.
Please help me know how to achieve such thing like uploading the dictionary of the synonym in azure search
The latest .NET SDK for Azure Cognitive Search has this capability. From this sample:
// Create a new SearchIndexClient
Uri endpoint = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SEARCH_ENDPOINT"));
AzureKeyCredential credential = new AzureKeyCredential(
SearchIndexClient indexClient = new SearchIndexClient(endpoint, credential);
// Create a synonym map from a file containing country names and abbreviations
// using the Solr format with entry on a new line using \n, for example:
// United States of America,US,USA\n
string synonymMapName = "countries";
string synonymMapPath = "countries.txt";
SynonymMap synonyms;
using (StreamReader file = File.OpenText(synonymMapPath))
synonyms = new SynonymMap(synonymMapName, file);
await indexClient.CreateSynonymMapAsync(synonyms);
The SDKs for Java, Python, and Javascript also support creating synonym maps. The Java SDK accepts a string rather than a file stream, so you'd have to read the file contents yourself. Unfortunately the Python and Javascript SDKs seem to require a list of strings (one for each line of the file), which is something we should improve. I'm following up with the Azure SDK team to make these improvements.