I want to add namespaces to specific parent (and child) elements in my XML, so it looks something like this:
<list xmlns:base="http://schemas.example.com/base">
<base:name>John Doe 1</base:name>
<base:address>Example 1</base:address>
I can't figure out how to add the base namespace to the customer parent element.
This is my code so far:
header("Content-Type: application/xml");
$xml_string = "<list xmlns:base='http://schemas.example.com/base'/>";
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
$xml->customer->addChild("name", "John Doe 1", "http://schemas.example.com/base");
$xml->customer->addChild("address", "Example 1", "http://schemas.example.com/base");
$xml->customer->addChild("taxnumber", "10000000-000-00", "http://schemas.example.com/base");
$xml->product->addChild("name", "Something");
$xml->product->addChild("price", "45.00");
print $xml->saveXML();
With this, the only thing missing is the base namepace for the customer element.
Two ways:
<list xmlns="http://schemas.example.com/base">
<base:list xmlns:base="http://schemas.example.com/base">
However this might result in a different syntax for accessing the elements. The easy way around this is to to store the created elements into variables.
$xmlns_base = "http://schemas.example.com/base";
$xml_string = "<base:list xmlns:base='http://schemas.example.com/base'/>";
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml_string);
$customer = $xml->addChild("base:customer", NULL, $xmlns_base);
$customer->addChild("base:name", "John Doe 1", $xmlns_base);
$customer->addChild("base:address", "Example 1", $xmlns_base);
$customer->addChild("base:taxnumber", "10000000-000-00", $xmlns_base);
// provide the empty namespace so it does not get added to the other namespace
$product = $xml->addChild("product", "", "");
$product->addChild("name", "Something");
$product->addChild("price", "45.00");
print $xml->saveXML();