I have an array column in hive which will be having 7 numbers.
For Ex: [32,4,0,43,23,0,1]
I want my output to be [32,4,43,23,1]
(with all the zero elements removed)
Someone help me to accomplish this?
Explode array, filter, collect again.
with mydata as (
select array(32,4,0,43,23,0,1) as initial_array
select initial_array, collect_set(element) as result_array
select initial_array, e.element
from mydata
lateral view outer explode(initial_array)e as element
) s
where element != 0
group by initial_array
initial_array result_array
[32,4,0,43,23,0,1] [32,4,43,23,1]