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Conditional distinct rows in R

I have a dataframe in which I want to keep all the distinct string entries (i.e. get rid of duplicates) in one column unless these entries are short, str_length < 7. I also want to keep all the other columns.

So I have

string other columns

Desired output:

string other columns

I have tried a variety of dplyr approaches, but nothing works.

df <- df %>%
  mutate(len = str_length(string))%>%
  group_by(string, len) %>%
  filter(len >7) %>%
  distinct(.keep_all = TRUE) 

In this example, I am not getting the rows back which I filtered out. But I just want to protect the filtered rows from the distinct function and then get them back into the dataframe.


  • We can use duplicated with nchar

    df1[!(duplicated(df1$string) & nchar(df1$string) > 7), , drop = FALSE]


    #     string
    #1        abc
    #2        abc
    #3   centauri
    #5 armageddon
    #7  spaghetti

    Or with filter in dplyr

    df1 %>%
       filter(!(duplicated(string) & nchar(string) > 7))


    df1 <- structure(list(string = c("abc", "abc", "centauri", "centauri", 
    "armageddon", "armageddon", "spaghetti")), class = "data.frame", 
    row.names = c(NA, 