I am using a Modbus flutter lib, reading 2 registers I obtain:
[22136, 4660]
This means: 0x12345678 I need a function to convert it to a 32 bit real value: 305419896, in easymodbustcp library I found:
* Convert two 16 Bit Registers to 32 Bit real value
* @param registers 16 Bit Registers
* @return 32 bit real value
public static float ConvertRegistersToFloat(int[] registers) throws IllegalArgumentException
if (registers.length != 2)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input Array length invalid");
int highRegister = registers[1];
int lowRegister = registers[0];
byte[] highRegisterBytes = toByteArray(highRegister);
byte[] lowRegisterBytes = toByteArray(lowRegister);
byte[] floatBytes = {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(floatBytes).getFloat();
Any help to do it in flutter / dart?
This can be done with bit shifts and a bitwise or
. You need to shift the 2 higher bytes by 16 bits, then or
it to get the value you want.
void main() {
List<int> vals = [22136, 4660];
int result = vals[1] << 16 | vals[0];
You could also achieve the same result in this case by replacing the bitwise or
with addition.
void main() {
List<int> vals = [22136, 4660];
int result = (vals[1] << 16) + vals[0];