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Why a Scala 2 test assertion on an object's val throws NullPointerException?

While testing Scala code, I've run into a strange NPE while asserting on a value from an object.

Here is the minimal code to reproduce the issue:


object Playground extends App {
  val greeting = "Hello Scala"


import org.scalatest.wordspec._

class PlaygroundSpec extends AnyWordSpec {
  "The playground code" should {
    "say hello" in {
      assert(Playground.greeting.contains("Hello")) // Throws NPE because greeting is null. How???

The sample program runs just fine and prints "Hello Scala", but the test throws a NullPointerException on the assertion line, because greeting is null.

How could greeting be null if it is initialized with a string constant?

Note: Adding lazy to the val declaration makes it work and the test passes.


  • In Scala 2 App extends DelayedInit, so compiler magically rewrites initialisation code such that the initialisation of fields is moved to delayedInit method, for example,

    object Playground extends App {
      val greeting = "Hello Scala"

    becomes something like

    object Playground extends App {
      private var greeting: String = null
      def greeting(): String = greeting
      def delayedInit(): Unit = {   
        greeting = "Hello Scala"
      def main(args: Array[String]) = {
        // indirectly call delayedInit

    Now we can see




    as delayedInit method did not get called. To prove the point observe how the following works

    Playground.main(Array.empty) // delayedInit gets indirectly called
    assert(Playground.greeting.contains("Hello")) // ok

    Adding lazy to the val declaration makes it work and the test passes.

    This works because lazy val greeting effectively turns the field into a method which moves it out of the initialisation code so it does not become part of delayedInit.

    Clearly this is confusing so Scala 3 Dropped: Delayedinit.