Search code examples

SQLite from android get path like indexes with recursive query

I have this table named items with following columns and rows.

id   item_name   parentId
1    Item 1         0
2    Item 2         1
3    Item 3         2
4    Item 4         1
5    Item 5         2
6    Item 6         3
7    Item 7         6
8    Item 8         7

I could measure the level of rows parent by recursive CTE, but I still need to get the path as this format: 1.1.1, 1.2.1 ... This is my current query:

with recursive items_cache (lvl, id, item_name, parent_id) as (
    select 0 as lvl, id, item_name, parent_id
    from items
    where parent_id = 0
  union all
    select items_cache.lvl + 1,, items.item_name, items.parent_id
    from items_cache    
    join items  on = items.parent_id
    order by items_cache.lvl+1 desc,
from items_cache

Desired results:

id   item_name   parentId   lvl       path_index
1    Item 1         0        0        1
2    Item 2         1        1        1.1
3    Item 3         2        2        1.1.1
6    Item 6         3        3
7    Item 7         6        4
8    Item 8         7        5
5    Item 5         2        2        1.1.2
4    Item 4         1        1        1.2
9    Item 9         0        0        2

How can I do that in SQLite? The SQLite version that android runs is 3.21, so it does not support window functions.


  • Use a recursive cte to get the level of each id, then ROW_NUMBER() window function to get the rank of each id under its parent and another recursive cte that will conatenate the row numbers:

      levels AS (
        SELECT *, 0 lvl FROM items
        UNION ALL
        SELECT i.*, l.lvl + 1 
        FROM items i INNER JOIN levels l
        ON = i.parentId 
      row_numbers AS (
        SELECT id, item_name, parentId, MAX(lvl) lvl,
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY parentId, lvl ORDER BY id) rn 
        FROM levels
        GROUP BY id, item_name, parentId
      cte AS (
        SELECT id, item_name, parentId, lvl, rn || '' path_index
        FROM row_numbers
        UNION ALL
        SELECT, r.item_name, r.parentId, r.lvl, 
               c.path_index || '.' || r.rn
        FROM row_numbers r INNER JOIN cte c
        ON r.parentId = 
    SELECT * 
    FROM cte  
    GROUP BY id
    HAVING MAX(LENGTH(path_index))
    ORDER BY path_index

    See the demo.

    If your version of SQLite does no support window functions use:

    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM levels l2 
     WHERE l2.parentId = l1.parentId AND l2.lvl = l1.lvl AND <= rn

    instead of:

    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY parentId, lvl ORDER BY id) rn

    See the demo.


    id item_name parentId lvl path_index
    1 Item 1 0 0 1
    2 Item 2 1 1 1.1
    3 Item 3 2 2 1.1.1
    6 Item 6 3 3
    7 Item 7 6 4
    8 Item 8 7 5
    5 Item 5 2 2 1.1.2
    4 Item 4 1 1 1.2
    9 Item 9 0 0 2