I have a column with a year and a ISO week. I would like to get the corresponding date, but at the moment my formula is wrong.
I have the following table:
Year Week
2020 52
2020 53
2021 1
2021 2
I used in power query editor the following formula:
Date.StartOfWeek(Date.AddWeeks(#date([Year], 1, 1), [Week]), Day.Monday)
and I obtained:
Year Week Date
2020 52 28.12.2020
2020 53 04.01.2021
2021 1 04.01.2021
2021 2 11.01.2021
What I would like to have instead:
Year Week Date
2020 52 21.12.2020
2020 53 28.12.2020
2020 1 04.01.2021
2021 2 11.01.2021
For example, in DAX, this works:
Date = DATE([Year],1,-2)-WEEKDAY(DATE([Year],1,3))+[Week]*7
But I would prefer to have it in power query because my data source needs to be updated regularly. Thank you for your attention!
In case you have the same problem, this works now:
Date.AddDays((Date.AddDays(#date([Year],1,1),-4)),(-Date.DayOfWeek(Date.AddDays(#date([Year],1,1),-4)) + [Week]*7))