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Application User form is inactive in a Dynamics 365 environment

I want to create an application user in my Dynamics 365 Environment. On the Security -> Users -> Application Users -> New User, the Application user form is not present.

I checked in Customize my System -> User Form. The Application user form was inactive. I activated the form. However, when I tried to publish all customizations, I was thrown an error:

Insufficient PermissionsPrincipal user (Id=<>, type=8, roleCount=2, privilegeCount=564, accessMode=1(Setup/Stub user with filtered privileges from associated roles. Consider changing user AccessMode to Full (without privilege filtering))), is missing prvReadAppModule privilege (Id=<>) on OTC=9006 for entity 'appmodule'. context.Caller=<>. Or identityUser.SystemUserId=<>, identityUser.Privileges.Count=3016, identityUser.Roles.Count=0 is missing prvReadAppModule privilege (Id=<>) on OTC=<>for entity 'appmodule'. If you contact support, please provide the technical details.

My user account has the "Dynamics 365 Customer Service Enterprise" License assigned.


  • Make sure, your CRM user profile has System Administrator or System Customizer before publishing any customizations.

    Also, CAL Access mode should be either Administrative or Read-Write.

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