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options in autoform meteor doesnt take larger array

If playersData.length > 60 (see in helper function) it is not populating the list in the dropdown but if it is less than 60, then it is working. I am new to Meteor, I couldnt find anything about this. Actually my playersData is array of length 250. I need a solution to work for larger array.

    Myproject.Schema.UserDetails = new SimpleSchema({
           userLevel: {
              type: String,
              optional: true,
              label: "",
              autoform: {
                   type: 'select',
                   firstOption: false,
                options: function () {
                    return [{"label":"John","value":"1"}
              afFormGroup: {
                label: false

My html file : {{>afQuickField name="userLevel" options=playerLevel }}

        playerLevel() {
            const instance = Template.instance();
            var playersDataObj = instance.playersDataModel.get('playersData') || {};
            var playersData =; // this is an array now 
            var arr = []; 
            for(var i=0;i<playersData.length;i++){
            return arr; // this is an array containing only label and value


  • As found in comments, the issue was a duplicate value in playersData rather than the length of the array.