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IBM Cloud Code Engine fails to build for private repo

I'm using IBM Cloud Code Engine to build the source code from a private git repo. I have tried many times, and the buildrun always failed. Following are the steps I have done.

  1. Add my public key (/root/.ssh/ to my private repo as a deploy key

  2. Use IBM Cloud Code Engine CLI to create repo access credential ibmcloud ce repo create --name ibmgithub --key-path /root/.ssh/id_rsa --host

  3. Use IBM Cloud Code Engine CLI to create a build and then submit a build run ibmcloud ce build create --name minion --image --rs ce-default-icr-us-south --git-repo-secret ibmgithub --source --strategy dockerfile --size medium

  4. The build run always fails

#:~/synthetics-private-minion# ibmcloud ce bd get -n minion
Getting build 'minion'
Name:          minion  
ID:            0abc63a0-07d5-42c5-b70a-227e52310276  
Project Name:  private location  
Project ID:    25491342-e9e8-4ac7-90ff-b9994cda9242  
Age:           6m24s  
Created:       2021-03-31T04:11:41-05:00  
Status:        Succeeded  
Reason:        all validations succeeded  
Registry Secret:  ce-default-icr-us-south  
Build Strategy:   kaniko-medium  
Timeout:          10m0s  
Commit:           main  
Dockerfile:       Dockerfile  
Repo Secret:      ibmgithub  
Build Runs:    
  Name              Status                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Age  
  minion-run-sj5fl  "step-git-source-source-cm7pc" exited with code 1 (image: ""); for logs run: kubectl -n 7pztl5cw3ad logs minion-run-sj5fl-nbzft-pod-rx9x9 -c step-git-source-source-cm7pc  5m42s  
  1. I doubt the build run failed to fetch the source code from my private repo. And I checked on the repo UI, it shows the deploy key Never used.

Can anyone shed some light on it ? Thanks.


  • Since you're using an ssh key, make sure the URL to your git repo starts with git@ instead of https://. So it should be [email protected]/myaccount/myrepo in your case.

    For further issues with failing builds, you can check the related troubleshooting buildruns section in the Code Engine docs.