Imagine this scenario, you have a angular app (version 11) where the app.component call a feature module
<div class="content" fxFlex>
Inside my feature module I've a page split vertically into two (with a sideBar).
Component A Module X
| sideBar Z | content A |
Component B Module X
| sideBar Z | content B|
The ideia is to change only the content when i navigate from A to B but without have to define the the sideBar Z into the components.
I think that I need to define some templating inside the routing. How can I achieve this behavior (I'm not finding this on documentation)?
Thanks in advance
try wrapping your routes that require sidebar in navigation route
routes = [
{path: 'no-navigation-route', component: DComponent},
path: '',
component: NavigationComponent,
children: [
{path: 'path-a', component: ContentAComponent},
{path: 'path-b', component: ContentBComponent}
here, you can put navigation inside of NavigationComponent and it should work exactly as described