(test [1 2 3]) is returning [], not [1 2 3], why?
(defn test [some-array]
(let [x []]
(doseq [i some-array]
(conj x i))
(test [1 2 3])
EDIT: a comment below suggested I am trying an imperative approach with a functional language, and that's probably correct. What I am trying to do is build up a vector of vectors using an initial sequence of values (inside a vector in this case) as starting data. I guess I could try to transform each value in the vector and return it, but that seems harder conceptually (from an imperative mindset) than taking a starting vector and using it to build out a new one and return that.
As an example, suppose I had a function that takes 1
and returns "one"
, and I wanted to have a function take [1 2 3]
and return [[1 "one"][2 "two"][3 "three"]]
Clojure's focus is on immutable data and functional programming. Your code there feels like you want to do some imperative style ideas here.
Your test
there could as well be identity
- a copy of some immutable
data structure, is just the immutable data structure itself.
If your example there is oversimplified and you want to "append" to some
with data inside it, you could use into
To transform a sequence one-by-one (e.g. each input results in
a different output), use map
(or mapv
to get a vector and make it
eager). E.g.
(def numbers
{1 "one"
2 "two"
3 "three"})
(defn test [some-array]
(mapv #(vector % (numbers %)) some-array))
(println (test [1 2 3]))
; → [[1 one] [2 two] [3 three]]
(Bonus points for using juxt
as mapping function)