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In C# PSObject PSPropertyInfo does not return value when PS command-line does return value

In C# I am trying to get the IPAddresses of my computer using the following command (the command works fine in PowerShell and, indeed, shows IP addresses):

In PowerShell:

Get-CimInstance Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" -ComputerName $env:ComputerName | Select -Property IPAddress

PowerShell Output:


When I turn around and attempt to get the value (stored in results) from the PowerShell command in C# like this:

foreach (PSObject obj in results) {

    foreach (PSPropertyInfo objProperties in obj.Properties) {

        string pName = objProperties.Name.ToString(); // returns "IPAddress"

        **string pValue = objProperties.Value.ToString(); // returns "System.String[]" and not an actual IP address**



pValue has a value of "System.String[]" and not the actual IP address value. But objProperties.Name successfully returns the key-name "IPAddress".

How can I get the actual IP Address instead of "System.String[]"?


  • The fix in this scenario, as noted in the comments to the question, is:
