I use urlopen command from urllib.request package and it works properly.
But because it is inside an infinite loop I want to consider the possible "No network" Conditions. I do not want my code to break down because of this error.
I tried the function below but it does not work:
def update():
cmd = 'getUpdates'
resp = urlopen(URL + cmd)
line = aux_dec2utf8(resp)
upds = json.loads(line)
NoM = len(upds['result'])
except ValueError:
print('NO NETWORK')
return NoM, upds
I think the issue here is the ValueError exception. You may want to set up an exception for urllib.HTTPError and/or urllib.URLError to catch the error you’re attempting to keep from breaking your script.
ValueError is used to catch an invalid argument and may not be what’s killing the flow.