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How to use your own photos for infinite scroll effect

I have an infinite scroll project, and I don't really want to use API like picsum and unsplash to generate random photos. I want to use my own photos either from somewhere on the internet or locally saved. I follow a tutorial to make my photo gallery infinite scroll, but I don't understand how to change picsum url to something else. Preferably locally saved photos. I could name them with numbers from 1 to 20 for example, but how do I write the "fetch" part?

const getImages = async function() {
  const getImageRes = await fetch(
  const data = await getImageRes.json();
  const loading = document.querySelector(".loading");

  for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    let ele = document.createElement("img");
    ele.setAttribute("src", data[i].download_url);
    ele.setAttribute("height", "384");
    ele.setAttribute("width", "512");


  • const imageSources = [ // Put your image sources in this list
    for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Change this 5 to however many images you have (or use for ... in) 
        let ele = document.createElement("img");
        ele.setAttribute("src", imageSources[i]);
        ele.setAttribute("height", "384");
        ele.setAttribute("width", "512");