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how to append new element to key value pair in swift

i have a key value pair that contains key string and [issueFieldModal] array so i have a object element which has e tab name and elementArray element has a key and value property

var keyValuePair = KeyValuePairs<String, [ISSUEFieldModal]>()
var issueFieldArray = [ISSUEFieldModal]()
for element in elements {
 for newElement in element{
  let issueField = ISSUEFieldModal(newElement.key, newElement.value)
 keyValuePair = [element.tabName: issueFieldArray]

but when i print it out the key value pair only the last appending shows up
i think it override the old values and set in every loop

thank you


  • The issue there is that KeyValuePairs unlike a regular dictionary, doesn't conform to Hashable. You cannot assign through subscript. You may have duplicated key/value pairs. It conforms to RandomAccessCollection so through subscript you can only get but not set a value.

    keyValuePair = [element.tabName: issueFieldArray] works because KeyValuePairs conform to ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral but you can NOT append a new key value pair because it doesn't conform to RangeReplaceableCollection. In other words you need to add all key value pairs when initialising your collection.