I'm currently trying to create a list into an expect script and to fill it later
I can declare and initialize the list as follow
set matchList [list test1 test2]
foreach elem $matchList {
puts $elem
Which gives the following result
$ ./tmp.expect
However I can't find a way to correctly append a new string to the list
I have tried several syntax without being able to find the proper way
set matchList [list $matchList test3]
Considers that 'test1 test2' is the first element and 'test3' the second
$ ./tmp.expect
test1 test2
set matchList [list [foreach elem $matchList { puts $elem } ] test3]
Set the third element as an empty string and 'test3' is the fourth element
$ ./tmp.expect
set matchList [list [foreach elem $matchList { puts $elem } ]test3]
By removing the space after the foreach
block The list is correctly filled. However it seems a bit overkill to do such a simple task.
$ ./tmp.expect
Does anybody knows how to correctly fill a list element by element into an expect script ?
The proper way to add an element to the end of a list in Tcl is to use lappend
; the first argument is the name of a variable containing a list, and the second and subsequent arguments are values to append:
lappend matchList test3
That works even when values have metacharacters embedded within them.