I have a code that collects finance data using API, and transform it into a ecxel file. In on of the columns I have data considering the change in the stocks price the last day, and i want python to write negative changes in red, and positve changes in green. I have an ide of how i could du it, using and if/else statment, but the problem is which variable i should call for in the if statment.
Here is tha part when I append the data from the API using a request.get function.
data = requests.get(batch_apu_call_url).json()
for symbol in symbol_string.split(','):
final_dataframe = final_dataframe.append(
data[symbol]['quote']['changePercent'], #This is the line thats collects the changes in the stock prices
Her is the part when i want to format the special column
change_format = writer.book.add_format(
'num_format': '0.00%',
'font_color': 'EA1009' if [] < 0 else '2AEA09', #insted of the square brackets I want to put the variabel
'bg_color': background_color,
'border': 1
This is an example of part of the outcome in python:
Name Ticker Stock Price +/-% Market Cap
0 Agilent Technologies Inc. A 127.120 0.01096 38026751371
1 American Airlines Group Inc AAL 26.301 0.02625 16894821033
2 Advance Auto Parts Inc AAP 184.060 0.01200 12369889031
3 Apple Inc AAPL 125.884 -0.02000 2114224151643
4 Abbvie Inc ABBV 109.250 -0.00430 191633606290
Process finished with exit code 0
And the same outcome in ecxel. The ecxel file isn't updatet today, so the data may be different than the python data. https://i.sstatic.net/i9PIz.png
And this is hove I want it to loock: https://i.sstatic.net/G8xA5.png
I found the solution, and the best way to do it is:
change_format = writer.book.add_format(
'num_format': '0.00%[Green];-0.00%[Red]',
'font_color': '',
'bg_color': background_color,
'border': 1