I am trying to use aiogram building a chatbot, but find no example provided by the package is helpful. The problem is I can't find a way to pass my own object or variables from main to my chat function decorated by 'dp.message_handler()'
. I need passing objects and variable which are text generator to chat function, so bot can chat instead of just echoing. I used their echo example as starting point, I can get user message at 'message.text'
no problem...my code is like:
async def chat(message: types.Message, myobj, myvar):
"using myobj and myvar to generate text as reply"
await message.answer(reply)
return message.text
async def main():
while Ture:
said = await partial(chat, myobj=qna_model, myvar=text)
if said == "bye": break
await dp.wait_closed()
await bot.session.close()
if __name__ == '__main__':
executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)
But I got error: TypeError: chat() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'myobj' and 'myvar'.
I even tried 'async def chat(message: types.Message, **kwargs)'
and call it from main()
without partial wraper, also no luck... I searched and can't find example about how to use aiogram to build a chatbot, may be I am in a wrong way of using aiogram... Has anyone used aiogram building chatbot successfully?
If you wanna pass a function to your handler just import it and use it directly. If you wanna apply it for some handlers, you should use a middleware.
def generate_text():
return "generated text"
async def handler(message: Message):
text = generate_text()
await message.answer(text)
from aiogram.dispatcher.middlewares import BaseMiddleware
from aiogram.types import Message
class YourMiddleware(BaseMiddleware):
async def on_pre_process_message(self, message: Message, data: dict):
# `text` is a name of var passed to handler
data["text"] = generate_text()
Register it via Dispatcher (on_startup)
Get text
data inside the handler
from aiogram.types import Message
async def handler(message: Message, text: str):
await message.answer(text)