I am trying to execute a Gatling scenario to the https://demostore.gatling.io website, after register it through Chrome HAR export (inside my dev environment).
Import and everything goes smoothly, but when I run the scenario I receive the following error:
i.n.c.ConnectTimeoutException: connection timed out: demostore.gatling.io/
I then tried to set up the IntelliJ proxy from Settings → System Settings → HTTP Proxy, setting it to Manually and providing the correct proxy configuration → Test Connection
vs http://demostore.gatling.io
and the IDE returns Connection Succesful.
Currently, my environment is as follow:
This question was answered by @StéphaneLANDELLE, but the thread was deleted after editing something in the above question.
Stéphane was pointing me correctly to: Proxy parameters in the official Gatling documentation and after setting:
http.proxy(Proxy("<URL>", <PORT>).credentials("<user>", "<pwd>"))
everything started working as expected.