I am trying to convert a list into a tree structure for a primeng TreeTable.
[{pk:"1", corpID:"1234", date: "31/03/21", rela:"4325", price:"20.00"},
{pk:"2", corpID:"1234", date: "21/03/21", rela:"4425", price:"50.00"} ,
{pk:"3", corpID:"3456", date: "03/03/21", rela:"6327", price:"80.00"} ,
{pk:"4", corpID:"4567", date: "05/03/21", rela:"7328", price:"40.00"}]
I need to group the data twice, first by corpId
and second by rela
. PrimeNG TreeTable uses data
and children
- the data will be the value shown on the row and the children will be the data in the expanded row. https://www.primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/treetable
The structure should be :
{ data : [
data: {
corpID : "1234"
children: [
RELA: "4325"
children: [
data : { pk:"1",
date: "31/03/21",
RELA: "4425"
children: [
{ pk:"2",
date: "21/03/21",
I have tried grouping by and a function using reduce, although it created the correct tree structure, it condensed the data.
Is there a way to build the tree structure while also including the data
and children
attributes? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The function I tried below reduced the data also I wasn't sure how to add in the data
and children
let result = this.data.reduce(this.totree, {});
totree(branches, node) {
if (!branches[node.corpId]) {
branches[node.corpId] = {};
branches[node.corpId][node.rela] = node;
branches[node.corpId][node.rela] = Object.assign(branches[node.corpId][node.rela]);
return branches;
I just wrote and tested this code for you, I believe it can be better refactored but most important that it can achieve the same structure you wanted
const arr = [
{ pk: "1", corpID: "1234", date: "31/03/21", rela: "4325", price: "20.00" },
{ pk: "2", corpID: "1234", date: "21/03/21", rela: "4425", price: "50.00" },
{ pk: "3", corpID: "3456", date: "03/03/21", rela: "6327", price: "80.00" },
{ pk: "4", corpID: "4567", date: "05/03/21", rela: "7328", price: "40.00" },
const groupBy = (arrayInput, key) => {
return arrayInput.reduce(
(r, v, i, a, k = v[key]) => ((r[k] || (r[k] = [])).push(v), r),
const groupedByCorpID = groupBy(arr, "corpID");
const ans = Object.entries(groupedByCorpID).map(([key, value]) => {
const groupedByRela = groupBy(value, "rela");
const children = Object.entries(groupedByRela).map(
([childKey, childValue]) => {
return {
data: { RELA: childKey },
children: childValue,
return { data: { corpID: key }, children };