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Create environment variable from parameters in Jenkins

I have a jenkinsfile which is parametrized. Based on the input parameters I want to set certain environment variables. But I m not able to get the syntax right.

parameters {
    choice choices: ['insure-base-docker/insure-base', 'insure-ide/insure-sd', 'insure-ide/insure-ansible','insure-ide/ansible-test-vini'], description: 'Auf welche repository sollte die Tag erstellt?', name: 'repository'
    choice choices: ['tag', 'branch'], description: 'Tag oder branch erstellen', name: 'git_entity'
    string defaultValue: '21.x.x', description: 'Version die als branch oder Tag ersellt werden muss', name: 'version', trim: false
environment {
    GIT_URL = "${'https://my_repo/scm/'+param.repository+'.git'}"
    GIT_BRANCH = "${'Release/'+param.version}"
    CHECKOUT_BRANCH = '${${git_entity} == "tag" ? "master" : "develop"}'      

the env vars are always wrong. How do I set the env vars correctly?


  • Nowadays, there aren't many differences between parameters and environment variables in Jenkins. Even the way you use them, preceded by the env. keyword, is the same.

    Try something like this.

    pipeline {
        parameters {
          choice choices: ['insure-base-docker/insure-base', 'insure-ide/insure-sd', 'insure-ide/insure-ansible','insure-ide/ansible-test-vini'], description: 'Auf welche repository sollte die Tag erstellt?', name: 'GIT_PROJECT'
          string defaultValue: '21.x.x', description: 'Version die als branch oder Tag ersellt werden muss', name: 'GIT_BRANCH', trim: false
        agent any
        stages {
            stage('Cloning Git repository') {
                steps {
                    script {
                        git branch: "${env.GIT_BRANCH}", credentialsId: 'MY_GIT_CREDENTIALS_PREVIOUSLY_ADDED_TO_JENKINS', url: "${env.GIT_PROJECT}.git"

    You can use as GIT_BRANCH not just branches, but also tags.

    Best regards.