In an Azure DevOps 'release pipeline', I provision Azure resources - including SQLServer databases - and try to configure access to databases using managed identities.
After ensuring the DevOps service principal is a member of the AAD group defined as AAD administrator for the database server, I need to run some SQL to add the managed identities users and alter the roles.
This is attempted in an Azure Powershell task, using the Invoke-Sqlcmd
has two flavors and it is not obvious to me which one I shall use and if it matters. So far all I tried failed to authenticate with AAD.
How do I communicate my intent to use AAD authentication to Invoke-Sqlcmd
Do I need to first Connect-AzureAD
If I need to pass a System.Management.Automation.PSCredential
object, what should I use as user and password, given that we are dealing with a service principal (the Azure DevOps service user)?
To authenticate with AAD, you'll need the following:
In your Azure DevOps pipeline, use an Azure PowerShell Task that uses this Service Principal. Then call the Get-AzAccessToken
function to obtain a credential that you can use.
- task: AzurePowerShell@5
displayName: Azure DB Awesomeness
azureSubscription: 'MyServiceConnection'
azurePowerShellVersion: 'LatestVersion'
scriptType: inlinescript
script: |
$token = (Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl
Invoke-SqlCmd -ServerInstance "$(DatabaseServer)" `
-Database "$(Database)" `
-AccessToken "$token" `
-Query "<YOUR QUERY>"
The reason this works is that the AzurePowerShell@5 task obtains the service principal credentials from the service connection and then calls Connect-Az
. The Get-AzAccessToken
cmdlet obtains the credentials of the service principal which can be used accordingly.