I have 3 forms. The Mainform, Form2 and Form3.
The Mainform contains a large panel in which Form 2 is displayed when the program is started.
I do that with the following code in my Mainform which works great:
private Boolean loaded = false;
private void MainForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!loaded)
openChildForm(new Form2());
loaded = true;
public Form activeForm = null;
public void openChildForm(Form childForm)
if (activeForm != null)
activeForm = childForm;
childForm.TopLevel = false;
panelMain.Tag = childForm;
Now I want to add a button in Form2 (which is still being displayed in the Panel). When I press that Button, Form2 should remove itself from the Mainform Panel and instead Form3 should be displayed in that MainForm panel. I tried that with the following code in Form2 at Buttonclick:
new Mainform().openChildForm(new Form3());
However, this does not work. It still displays the Form2 in the Panel and doesn't display Panel3. In the Mainform it also says that "activeForm" is "null". I guess it is because of the "new MainForm()" call. Can I just access the MainForm without creating a new Instance?
Now I want to add a button in Form2 (which is still being displayed in the Panel). When I press that Button, Form2 should remove itself from the Mainform Panel and instead Form3 should be displayed in that MainForm panel.
Can I just access the MainForm without creating a new Instance?
In Form2, you can cast the ParentForm property to MainForm
, and then call openChildForm()
against that:
// ... in Form2 ...
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
MainForm mf = this.ParentForm as MainForm;
if (mf != null)
mf.openChildForm(new Form3());