Say I have a db containing events:
events('Second war',1400,date(1984,1,1)).
events('First war',3000,date(1944,9,1)).
And want to make a predicate to calculate the time difference in year between a specific year and the event, that returns true
if for example we enter:
timelapse('First war', 2000, 56 ).
Because the difference is 56 years, and if is entered
timelapse('First war', 2000, X ).
It returns X=56
For now I have this function, but it gives warning and doesn't execute properly:
timelapse(E, D, DF) :- events(E,date(X,_,_),_), DY is X,
DY > D -> DF = "invalid"; DF is D-DY.
How can I write this predicate?
What about this?
timelapse(E, D, "invalid") :-
DY > D,
timelapse(E, D, DF) :-
DF is D-DY.
Note that events(E,date(X,_,_),_)
from your code will not be unifiable with events('First war',3000,date(1944,9,1))
- the order is wrong.