I have a BlackBerry applications that user download OTA. If they already have the application installed and browse to my download page, the download button (with a link to the JAD file) works and lets them download a new version that replaces the existing version.
The problem I'm having is when the user starts the download (sees the progress bar moving) and then cancels it before completion. In this case, the icon for my application vanishes from the device, even though the COD file is still present on the device.
How can I prevent this from happening, or is this normal for a BlackBerry? It seems totally contrary to what any user would expect.
Our customers have started reporting this recently as well. A restart of the device (pulling the battery), will restore the icon.
This began occurring with recent RIM OS versions, and is common on recent devices,
It can happen with fully-completed OTA downloads as well as half-cancelled ones, and can even be influenced by the active theme on the device.
We tell our customers to simply reboot the device if they find that the application is "missing" after an update OTA download, and it seems to work.