I am using SQL Server 2012. I have a trap where I get the minus and put it at the front of my values in a set string, however there are also values that don't have a minus, and they come up as nulls in my column. I need a way to not take in these positive values as it is a standard procedure and I only need the minus values in my query.
My code is
WHEN CHARINDEX('-', SUBSTRING([Txt], 147, 10)) > 0
THEN '-' + REPLACE(LTRIM(RTRIM(SUBSTRING([TXT], 147, 9))), ',','')
END AS [Open_Amount]
In my query the positive values come up as "nulls" which I don't want, I want the entire row ignored if open_amount
is a positive value. Is there a specific else statement I can put in my case or is there another way? If it helps using views/cross applies isn't an option unfortunately for this data structure
Is this what you want?
(case when Substring([Txt], 147, 10) like '%-%'
then '-' + Replace(LTrim(RTRIM(Substring([TXT], 147, 9))), ',', '')
else Replace(LTrim(RTRIM(Substring([TXT], 147, 9)))
end) as [Open_Amount]
from db.txt
If you want to keep only negative rows, then use:
where substring([Txt], 147, 10) like '%-%'