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timer couldn't work with wiringPiISR (QtQuick application)

I have created a class Capteur_Input and one of the options in the constructor creates an interrupt using wiringPiISR

wiringPiISR(m_pin, INT_EDGE_RISING, isrInput);

my class also has an attribute m_impulsion and I am incrementing this value each time that an interruption happens.

this what my interrupt handler looks like

void Capteur_Input::isrCallback()
    if(m_pin== Pin_vitesse)
        emit digital_inputChanged(m_impulsion);
        emit digital_inputChanged(m_value);

in my main.cpp I created an instance of this class

static void isrInput_vitesse();

static Capteur_Input vitesse(Pin_vitesse,PUD_OFF,INT_EDGE_RISING,isrInput_vitesse);

static void isrInput_vitesse()

every thing is working fine, the qml and C++ part.

and now I want to calculate the number of impulse detected per second. but I couldn't do it.

my class Capteur_Input also has a timer, I configured it in the constructor

m_timer =new QTimer (this);
    connect (m_timer,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(onTimeout()));

and I tried to test in the SLOT onTimeout() someting but this qDebug()<<"VITESSEEEEEEEE"<<m_pin <<readPin()<<vitesse; never shows up. I don't know why maybe because wiringPiISR is a thread and has a higher priority than the timer? can someone explain to me please, how to make a timer that calculates the exact time and make the interrupt work in the same time? the timer is working for the other instances of this class that are just inputs no interruptions

void Capteur_Input::onTimeout()
    qDebug()<<"time is up"<<m_pin;

    if(m_pin== Pin_vitesse)
        qDebug()<<"m_pin== Pin_vitesse";
    int vitesse;

    vitesse= int (calcul_vitesse/4*2.166);//*0.001/3600;
    qDebug()<<"VITESSEEEEEEEE"<<m_pin <<readPin()<<vitesse;

    emit vitesse_Changed(vitesse);
    qDebug()<<"VITESSEEEEEEEE"<<m_pin <<readPin()<<vitesse;


        emit digital_inputChanged(readPin());
        qDebug()<<"signal DIGITAL emitted m_pin"<<m_pin <<"value"<<readPin();

actually the slot onTimeout is working for these 2 instances

#define Pin_vitesse 3
#define PinFrein 0
#define PinClignotnat_G 2

Capteur_Input frein(PinFrein,PUD_UP,NO_INTERRUPT);
Capteur_Input clignotant_G(PinClignotnat_G,PUD_DOWN,NO_INTERRUPT);

and is not working for this one which is an interrupt static Capteur_Input vitesse(Pin_vitesse,PUD_OFF,INT_EDGE_RISING,isrInput_vitesse);

and this what I got as an output

time is up 0
signal DIGITAL emitted 0 1
time is up 2
signal DIGITAL emitted 2 0

time is up 0
signal DIGITAL emitted 0 1

the timer is working for the other instances and it is not working for the one that is an interrupt


  • Static QObject instance is not supported in Qt, as stated below (QObject reentrancy section ):

    In general, creating QObjects before the QApplication is not supported and can lead to weird crashes on exit, depending on the platform. This means static instances of QObject are also not supported. A properly structured single or multi-threaded application should make the QApplication be the first created, and last destroyed QObject.

    If you need a callback when isr interrupt comes up, a static pointer should work:

    static void isrInput_vitesse();
    static Capteur_Input *vitesse = nullptr;
    static void isrInput_vitesse()
        if(!vitesse) //not initialized yet
        QMetaObject::invokeMethod( vitesse, "isrCallback", Qt::QueuedConnection ); //or blockingQueue if you need to handle it directly in Qt way.

    The vitesse pointer should be initialized in main() after the initialization of QApplication instance.

     int main(int argc, char *argv[])
           QApplication a(argc, argv);
           //.....  your main application body  
           vitesse = new  Capteur_Input(Pin_vitesse,PUD_OFF,INT_EDGE_RISING,isrInput_vitesse);