I'm working on a logging stack based on Banzai Cloud ClusterFlow, we've a log that is currently parsed with a regular expression and placed in a specific name; however we would like to deprecate that name and replace it with a new one, let's say the pattern is just like the following one:
^(?<someName>[^ ]*) (?<someNameWeWishToDeprecate>[^ ]*)$
supposing we receive a log line such as
prop1 prop2
it will produce two properties in our parsed log:
What we would like to obtain is instead
As you can see we'd like to keep the old name but also have the new one; is this possible by elaborating the regular expression?
FYI: the regular expression engine is ruby-based
You can nest the named capturing groups and use
^(?<someName>[^ ]*) (?<someNewFancyNae>(?<someNameWeWishToDeprecate>[^ ]*))$
See the regex demo.