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How to merge and center for certain row in SQL/SSRS report?

I have a table as below:

I'd like to merge and center S/No 1.0 and 2.0 only, and display to SSRS report, the rest of the row remained unchanged, is there a way to do it?

The result will be like the 2nd image below.

Current Table

Sample Output


  • Method 1: No real changes to dataset.

    Add a parent row group with a header to your current tablix. Set the grouping to an expression such as (assuming S/No is from a field called SerialNumber


    So here we just convert S/No to an integer so 1.0 and 1.1 both return 1

    Now you will have a header row for each group of rows.

    You can merge the cells in the header row and set the expression to


    You may have to force the order of the data in your dataset to ensure that 1.0 is always before 1.1 etc.

    Method 2: Add the group names to your dataset

    Note: This is written for SQL Server not MySQL but should be easy enough to translate if required

    If this does not work then you could add the group headers into a new column in your dataset query, then just group on that. The dataset query would look something like this...

    (I've replicated your data to show it working)

    DECLARE @myTable TABLE (SerialNumber decimal (5,1), Description varchar(50), UOM varchar(50), rate decimal (10,2))
    (1.0, 'Warehouse Charges', NULL, NULL),
    (1.1, 'Storage in pallet', 'perpallet per month or part thereof', 15.84),
    (2.0, 'Handling', NULL, NULL),
    (2.1, 'Unstuffing - Palletised', 'per pallet', 5.00),
    (2.2, 'De-palletised', 'per palett', 5.00)
    SELECT * FROM @myTable
            b.Description as GroupName, a.* 
            FROM @myTable a 
              JOIN (SELECT SerialNumber, Description FROM @myTable WHERE CAST(SerialNumber AS INT) = SerialNumber) b -- headers only
                ON CAST(a.SerialNumber AS INT) = b.SerialNumber 
            WHERE a.SerialNumber != b.SerialNumber

    This produces the following output

    enter image description here

    So now you can just group on the groupname field and then merge as described in the earlier method.