I created a simple script that goes to a notepad file, reads it line by line and if it finds certain words it adds to a counter. Then at the end it spits out the final count for each word.
The current implementation works, I just know it's not the most efficient way of doing things. I would love for someone with more experience to see if there is a simple FOR loop that can reduce the need of having 60 rows of the same thing. I am currently very inexperienced in Python and I'd love to find more efficient ways to do the same thing, this would help me learn new things
The code is here (it's long but just because I'm writing everything out manually, my goal is to accomplish the same thing with just a few lines using for loops)
location = "X:\Sales\Shortcuts\ShiftReportsIL.txt"
rep1 = "ttsachev"
rep2 = "vpopov"
rep3 = "alupashko"
rep4 = "ekarachorova"
rep5 = "glipchev"
rep6 = "ggeorgiev"
rep7 = "syovcheva"
rep8 = "vpanchev"
rep9 = "vbimbalova"
rep10 = "hmarinov"
rep11 = "fr-egonzalez"
rep12 = "dvaldenegro"
rep13 = "ndinev"
rep14 = "apiera"
rep15 = "csehunoe"
rep16 = "dbolingo"
rep17 = "mmamatela"
rep18 = "enter new rep here"
rep19 = "enter new rep here"
count = "count"
def Count():
# setting the count of each "rep" to 0
rep1count = 0
rep2count = 0
rep3count = 0
rep4count = 0
rep5count = 0
rep6count = 0
rep7count = 0
rep8count = 0
rep9count = 0
rep10count = 0
rep11count = 0
rep12count = 0
rep13count = 0
rep14count = 0
rep15count = 0
rep16count = 0
rep17count = 0
rep18count = 0
rep19count = 0
global locationIL
global locationAU
global locationES
# opening the first txt file
with open(locationIL, 'r', encoding="utf8", errors='ignore') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
words = line.lower().split()
# main for loop, going over each line and checking if the
# username of each employee is present. If it is, it adds
# 1 to that person's counter.
for word in words:
if word == rep1:
rep1count += 1
elif word == rep2:
rep2count += 1
elif word == rep3:
rep3count += 1
elif word == rep4:
rep4count += 1
elif word == rep5:
rep5count += 1
elif word == rep6:
rep6count += 1
elif word == rep7:
rep7count += 1
elif word == rep8:
rep8count += 1
elif word == rep9:
rep9count += 1
if word == rep10:
rep10count += 1
elif word == rep11:
rep11count += 1
elif word == rep12:
rep12count += 1
elif word == rep13:
rep13count += 1
elif word == rep14:
rep14count += 1
elif word == rep15:
rep15count += 1
elif word == rep16:
rep16count += 1
elif word == rep17:
rep17count += 1
elif word == rep18:
rep18count += 1
elif word == rep19:
rep19count += 1
Thank you!
you could use a list for your items then a dict for the counts. for each rep in the counts dict check if it exists in the line.
location = "myfile.txt"
reps = ["ttsachev", "vpopov", "alupashko", "ekarachorova", "glipchev",
"ggeorgiev", "syovcheva", "vpanchev", "vbimbalova",
"hmarinov", "fr-egonzalez", "dvaldenegro", "ndinev", "apiera", "csehunoe",
"dbolingo", "mmamatela", "enter new rep here"]
def count():
# setting the count of each "rep" to 0
rep_counts = {rep: 0 for rep in reps}
# opening the first txt file
with open(location, 'r', encoding="utf8", errors='ignore') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
words = line.lower().split()
for rep in rep_counts:
if rep in line.lower():
rep_counts[rep] += 1
return rep_counts
counts = count()
this is a line hmarinov wth data
this is another mmamatela
{'ttsachev': 0, 'vpopov': 0, 'alupashko': 0, 'ekarachorova': 0, 'glipchev': 0, 'ggeorgiev': 0, 'syovcheva': 0, 'vpanchev': 0, 'vbimbalova': 0, 'hmarinov': 1, 'fr-egonzalez': 0, 'dvaldenegro': 0, 'ndinev': 0, 'apiera': 0, 'csehunoe': 0, 'dbolingo': 0, 'mmamatela': 1, 'enter new rep here': 0}