I have started react native just. I have an issue with Searchbar component using react-native-paper
I have installed
"react-native-paper": "^4.7.2",
"react-native-vector-icons": "^8.1.0"
dependencies for that. I have used Searchbar component like,
icon={()=><MaterialCommunityIcon name="magnify" size={20}/>}
statements are
import { Searchbar } from 'react-native-paper';
import MaterialCommunityIcon from 'react-native-vector-icons/MaterialCommunityIcons';
I have already added
apply from: "../../node_modules/react-native-vector-icons/fonts.gradle"
in build_gradle file still it is not showing magnify icon. Help me out.
Note : I have already cleaned cache for npm
and react-native
and uninstalled node_modules
folder and installed packages again still it didn't work.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Finally I sorted out this by just run this command in terminal
npx react-native link react-native-vector-icons
after successfully run the command you need to run
react-native run-android
command so you can able to see your desire icon.