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SQL SELECT and join multiple tables erron in query?

I have this query working as expected:

        $sql = '
SELECT s.rowid
     , f.fk_soc
     , s.nom
     , f.datef
     , sc.fk_soc
     , sc.fk_user
     , u.rowid
     , u.firstname
     , u.lastname
  FROM societe s
  JOIN societe_commerciaux sc 
    ON s.rowid = sc.fk_soc
  JOIN user u 
    ON sc.fk_user = u.rowid
  JOIN facture f 
    ON s.rowid = f.fk_soc
    BY s.rowid
HAVING MAX(f.datef) <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '.$db->escape($dlo).' DAY
        $resql = $db->query($sql);
        if (!$resql) {


user - table with the user's first name and last name with primary identif. rowid

Societe - table with client names s.nom primary identif. rowid

facture - table with client's invoices with date datef and fk_soc which is the client id (s.rowid)

societe_commerciaux - makes the connection which user is representative for each client by matching fk_soc (which is actually s.rowid) with fk_user (which is u.rowid)

The working script lists all clients that don't have an invoice for a period set with the $dlo and the name of the sales representative.

What I am trying to do is, to adjust the result to show clients without invoices for a particular sales representative i.e. the user.

I have a working script, that populates Dropdown select

         <select name='repselect' onchange='showUser(this.value)'>
             <option value="here comes the value for id of sales representative 1">Sales Representative name 1</option>
             <option value="here comes the value for id of sales representative 2">Sales Representative name 2</option>

The ID in the Value field is bot rowid from table users and fk_ser from table societe_commerciaux.

I also have a working ajax script to populate the results.

The script is working as if I put print $sql; in it, I can see the query after I select a user.

What I am struggling with is how to adjust the above query to show only the results for the sales representative selected from the drop-down. I am passing this id to a file 'script.php' in which I have $userid = intval($_GET['q']); followed by the query. I can handle the output. It's just the query I am not able to adjust properly.


  • This query return users representative information from the clients who last invoice (facture) date is less than (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL) or never had an invoice:

    $sql = '
    FROM societe s
    INNER JOIN societe_commerciaux sc ON s.rowid = sc.fk_soc
    INNER JOIN user u ON sc.fk_user = u.rowid
    WHERE s.rowid NOT IN (
               SELECT f.fk_soc
               FROM facture f
               GROUP BY f.fk_soc
               HAVING MAX(f.datef) > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL ' . $db->escape($dlo) . ' DAY)
    GROUP BY u.rowid, u.firstname, u.lastname

    You should use prepared statement and no paste the parameter $dlo in a plain query, to prevent sql injection.